Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Confirmed participants

Name: Fran Jimenez-Esteban
Affiliation: Centro de Astrobiología (INTA/CSIC), Spain

Name: Miriam Aberasturi
Affiliation: Centro de Astrobiología (INTA/CSIC), Spain

Name: Manuela Vidal Dasilva
Affiliation: Centro de Astrobiología, CSIC-INTA

Name: María Rosa Zapatero Osorio
Affiliation: CAB (INTA-CSIC)

Name: Carlos del Burgo
Affiliation: UNINOVA-CA3

Name: Yakiv Pavlenko
Affiliation: MAO, Kiev

Name: Enric Palle
Affiliation: IAC

Name:Jesus Zendejas Dominguez
Affiliation: Max-Planck-Institut fur Extraterrestrische Physik, Germany

Name: Victor J. Sanchez Bejar
Affiliation: IAC

Name: Mari Cruz Galvez Ortiz
Affiliation: Centro de Astrobiologia, INTA-CSIC

Name: David Pinfield
Affiliation: University of Hertfordshire

Name: Dimitris Mislis
Affiliation: IoA

Name: Francisco José Galindo
Affiliation: Centro de Astrobiología (INTA/CSIC), Spain

Name: Nicolas Lodieu
Affiliation: IAC, Tenerife, Spain

Name: Michele Cappetta
Affiliation: Max-Planck-Institut fur Extraterrestrische Physik, Germany

Name: James Frith
Affiliation: University of Hertfordshire, UK

Name: Gábor Kovács
Affiliation: Institute of Astronomy, Cambridge, UK

Name: Felipe Murgas A.
Affiliation: Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias, Spain

Name: Brigitta Sipöcz
Affiliation: University of Hertfordshire, UK

Name: Ramarao Tata
Affiliation: Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias, Spain

Name: Eduardo Martin
Affiliation: CAB, Spain

Name: Roberto Saglia
Affiliation: MPE, Germany

Name: Hannu Parviainen
Affiliation: Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias, Spain

Joana Gomes
University of Hertfordshire, UK

Name: Simon Hodgkin
Affiliation: IoA, Cambridge, UK

Name: David Barrado.
Affiliation: Centro de Astrobiología (INTA/CSIC), Spain

Name: Andres Moya
Affiliation: Centro de Astrobiología (INTA/CSIC), Spain

Name: Particia Cruz
Affiliation: Centro de Astrobiología (INTA/CSIC), Spain

Name: Hristo Stoev
Affiliation: Centro de Astrobiología (INTA/CSIC), Spain

Name: Jorge Lillo-Box
Affiliation: Centro de Astrobiología (INTA/CSIC), Spain

LOGISTICS and general info

Back and forth: underground, bus, train and taxi

Underground (Metro). Take line 8 in Terminal 2 or Terminal 4. Price: 2.5 euros (recommended)
Bus: Express bus to the city center. Price 2.5 euros
Train: New C1 line from terminal 4 only. Price: 2.1 euros
Taxi: about 25 euros from terminal 1-2-3, and 30-35  euros from Terminal 4.

See specific entry

3) What to do in Madrid?

Most museums are closed on Mondays (specifically, Prado museum)

A official page by the city of Madrid: activities in Madrid (

Short (one-day) trips:
If you have time, there a a number of very interesting cities and towns around Madrid, whcih can be reached by the local train system (CERCANIAS) or RENFE (mid and long distance). We recommend, among others:
- Toledo, the imperial capital in the XVI century (and the capital of the Visigothic kingdom in the V-VIII centuries)
- El Escorial.- the monastery of Philip II (XVI)
- Aranjuez.- a playground for the Bourbon kings of Spain (XVIII)
- Segovia.- A rich town from the medieval epoch, inclusing the impressive Alcazar (XIII-XIV)
- Avila.- an impressive city wall
- Alcala de Henares.- Everything about Cervantes and Spanish Renaissance.


Send an ascii file to David Barrado  with the following information:

Work address:

Oral contribution: Y/N

PD: Use in the subject: RoPACS/Madrid: registration

Meeting dinner. Monday 28th at 21:00

The dinner will be held at the restaurant "Mesón 5 Jotas", located on the Plaza de Santa Ana, very close to the Puerta del Sol (center of Madrid).
A wide variety of tapas will be served ranging from real spanish ham to the typical pan-tomaca (bread with tomato sauce).

We will be seated in two tables of 12-13 people. The menu (see below) will consist on several "tapas" served in big plates for every 4 people. Illimited water is included in the final price as well as 1 bottle of wine for every 3 people (they will probably give us a second bottle for free).

The restaurant is located in Plaza de Santa Ana, 1. It is 5 minutes walking from the famous Puerta del Sol (Metro Lines 1, 2 and 3).

Note that vegetarian food will also be available in the restaurant.

Menu (32 €/person, all included)
Jamón 5J (ham)
Morcilla Ibérica (Iberian sausage)
Pan con tomate (Bread with tomato sauce)
Salmorejo con su picadillo de huevo duro y Paleta 5J (Typical andalusian dish, individual)
Torreznillos Ibéricos
Ajoarriero de Bacalao con pan tostado (cod with toast bread)
Hamburguesitas de presa Ibérica (small iberian pork hamburgers, 2 per person)

Cheese cake with red fruit coulis


Viña Monty Crianza (wine)

AGENDA, session 3 (Wednesday): outreach

Wednesday 30th.
Chair: Natalia Ruiz Zelmanovitch

What is Science Outreach? Do you participate in those activities? Of course, there are many different ways to understand and promote Science Public Outreach. Read what wikipedia says about this and let us know your opinion:

The slides from the session can be downloaded from here.

What is and what is not Public Outreach- Discussion.
Giving a talk vs giving an interview (r
elations with the media).
Use your time properly: what to say and how to say it.
The damn of power point.
Internet tools- Social networks

11:00-11:30- Coffee break

Strategy for outreach: from the beginning of the project.
From the paper to the newspaper.
Credibility: "Arsenic and neutrinos: A love story".

13:00-14:30- Lunch

Workshop: Do it yourself (Exercise from Pilar Perla and Elena Sanz).

The meeting will end before 5 PM, so you can catch a flight.
Note that Barajas airport is about 30 minutes away by metro.

AGENDA, session 2 (Tuesday): VO miniworkshop

Tuesday 29th.
Chair: Enrique Solano

  • Purpose
The Virtual Observatory (VO) is opening up new ways of exploiting the huge amount of data provided by the ever-growing number of ground-based and space facilities, as well as by computer simulations. The goals of the School are to expose participants to the variety of VO tools and services available today so that they can use them efficiently for their own research.

  • School format
To achieve these goals, VO experts will lecture and tutor the participants on the usage of such tools. Real life examples of scientific applications will be given. Participants are invited to propose a science case they would like to try to implement with VO tools.

  • Important Note:
It is important to have installed beforehand the VO-tools to be in the School, namely:

  1. ALADIN (Web start recommended)
  2. TOPCAT (Web start recommended)
  3. VOSED (Web server)
  4. VOSpec (Web start recommended)
  5. VOSA (Web server)
  6. STITLS (jar file)

  • Useful information
  1. Where can I find information on VO standards?: here
  2. Where can I find information on VO tools?: here
  3. Where can I find information on VO cases?: here
  4. Where can I find information on VO refereed papers?: here

  • Program
- 09:00h- 09:30h The Virtual Observatory: Overview (E. Solano, 25'+5')

- 09:30h-11:00h VO science case #1: Discovery of brown dwarfs mining 2MASS and SDSS
- VO-tools: Aladin, TOPCAT
- Tutor: Miriam Aberasturi

- 11:00h-11:30h Coffee break

- 11:30h-13:00h VO science case #2 Classifying the SEDs of Herbig Ae/Be stars
- VO-tools: VOSED, VOSpec
- Tutor: Francisco Jiménez

-13:00h-14:30 Lunch

- 14:30h-16:00h VO science case #3: From SED fitting to Age estimation: The case of Collinder 69
- VO-tools: VOSA
- Tutor: Enrique Solano
  • Data for the usecase:
  1. vosa_usecase1.txt
  2. vosa_usecase2.txt
  3. vosa_usecase3.txt
  4. vosa_usecase3b.txt

- 16:00h-16:30h Coffe break

- 16:30h-17:30h A bit of everything session
  • Comments and questions about the present and future of Virtual Observatories
  • Questions about the science cases #1, #2, #3
  • Science cases proposed by the tutors
  • Science cases proposed by the participants.

AGENDA, session 1 (Monday): Talks

MONDAY 28th.

9:00 Welcome

9:15 RoPACS update from the coordinator, David Pindfield

9:30 Updates on the DI Analysis of the WTS 19hrs field, Jesus Zendejas Dominguez

10:00 Non-transiting Exoplanets and KOI-13b spectra, Dimitris Mislis, S. Hodgkin

10:30 TBD, Joana Gomes

11:00h-11:30h Coffee-break

11:30 Low-res Spectroscopic Follow-up of Eclipsing Binaries, Hristo Stoev

12:00 Sensitivity Analysis of the WFCAM Transit Survey 2, Gábor Kovács

12:30 Ultracool dwarfs in the Kepler FoV, Ramarao Tata

13:00h-14:30 Lunch

14:30 TBD, Brigita Sipocz

15:00 Radial velocity estimations from Calar Alto: Preliminary results, Patricia Cruz

15:30 Using Transit Color Signature to Confirm Transit Candidates, Hannu Parviainen

16:00 GTC Narrow-band Hα Photometry of Super-Earth GJ1214b, Felipe Murgas

16:30h-17:00h Coffee-break

17:00 Determination of physical characteristics of bright, low proper motion M dwarfs, James Frith

17:30 Radial Velocity Curves with High-resolution HRS@HET spectra, Michele Cappetta

High Resolution Radial Velocity Measurements of Binary White Dwarfs, Paul Steele and Michele Cappetta

18:00 Gaia, Alcione Mora

18:30 END

HOTELS in Madrid

A block reservation has been arranged at the nearby hotel NH Zurbano (tagged with yellow on the map below). A single room costs approximately 87 € per night, and a double is approximately 97 € per night, with buffet breakfast included. In order to make a reservation, please send an email to with the following information:
Ref. No.: 138021451
Single/Double room preference
Date of check-in
Date of check-out

You can make the booking until 4 November. Please put Hristo on the CC of the reservation.

Alternatively, feel free to explore any other possibilities (incl. those marked on the map). For your information, the venue of the workshop is marked with a blue flag.

View RoPACS Hotels in a larger map

MANAGEMENT (node leaders)

Tuesday 29th, afternoon


AGENDA: general

The meeting will last three days.

It will be located at IEM (Instituto de Estructura de la Materia), at the main auditorium. Signs will be posted.

Monday 28th, Session 1

Talks by ER and ESR

Tuesday 29, Session 2
VO techniques (Enrique Solano)

Wednesday  30th, Session 3
Outreach mini-workshop (Natalia Zelmanovitch)


Madrid, Nov 28-30, 2011
CSIC headquarters.

C/ Serrano 113 bis- 119-121-123
28006 Madrid (Spain)

Additional info in this link